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37790: Action Give
Used by the routine at ActionClimbOut.
Action_Give 37790 LD IY,(46858)
37794 CALL 40056
37797 LD HL,44529 HL="You are not carrying it[0x15]"
37800 JP NC,PrintMsg
37803 LD A,(46825)
37806 CALL 40173 Call 40173.
37809 LD IX,(46856)
37813 ADD A,(IX+3)
37816 PUSH AF
37817 POP BC
37818 LD A,(IY+3)
37821 SUB B
37822 LD HL,44556 HL="You are carrying too much"
37825 JP C,PrintMsg
37828 CALL 40260 Call 40260.
37831 LD A,(46825)
37834 LD (IX+1),A
37837 LD A,(IY+16)
37840 LD (IX+16),A
37843 LD B,A
37844 LD A,(46824)
37847 JP 39901 Jump to 39901.
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