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37906: Check For Pair
Used by the routine at CheckTwoPairs.
Check if there is a pair.
CheckPair 37906 CALL Handler_Pair Call Handler_Pair.
37909 JR NZ,37959 Jump to 37959 if there are no pair matches.
There is a pair! Process it.
37911 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard.
37914 LD (38044),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
Record this hand "type".
37917 LD A,2 Write "Pair" to *TableHandEvaluation_Type.
37919 LD (38043),A
Starting from "Ace High" work backwards through all the cards.
37922 LD B,13 Set a counter in B of the number of possible values of cards there are in one suit.
37924 LD DE,38046 DE=TableHandEvaluation_HighCard_1.
37927 LD HL,38220 HL=Table_CardDuplicates_Ace.
FindSinglesNearYou_Loop 37930 LD A,(HL) Jump to WriteSingleCardValue if this entry in the duplicates table is equal to 1.
37931 CP 1
37933 JR Z,WriteSingleCardValue
Move to the next card.
FindSinglesNearYou_Next 37935 DEC HL Decrease the card duplicate table pointer by one.
37936 DJNZ FindSinglesNearYou_Loop Decrease the card counter by one and loop back to FindSinglesNearYou_Loop until the counter is zero.
37938 LD A,(38044) A=*TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
37941 CALL CalculateSuit Call CalculateSuit.
37944 LD (38045),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCardSuit.
37947 RET Return.
Convert the current position in the duplicates table into a card value and write it to the hand evaluation pointer.
WriteSingleCardValue 37948 PUSH HL Stash the duplicates table and hand evaluation pointers on the stack.
37949 PUSH DE
37950 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard to convert the duplicates table pointer position into a card value.
37953 POP DE Restore the hand evaluation and duplicates table pointers from the stack.
37954 POP HL
37955 LD (DE),A Write the card value to the hand evaluation table.
37956 INC DE Increment the hand evaluation table pointer by one.
37957 JR FindSinglesNearYou_Next Jump to FindSinglesNearYou_Next.
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