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CFD2: Data: George
George_State CFD2 DEFB $00 Relates to: JumpTable_Pointer.
Byte Meaning
05 Waiting
08 Falling
1A Grabbing
1B Eating
21 Transform Explosion
22 Turn Into Human
23 Exit Stage Right
FF Game Over
CFD3 DEFB $00 Relates to: D245.
George_Climbing CFD4 DEFB $00 Relates to: Flag_MonsterClimbing.
Byte Meaning
00 Not Climbing
01 Climbing
George_Direction CFD5 DEFB $00 Relates to: Flag_Orientation.
Byte Meaning
00 Left-to-Right
01 Right-to-Left
George_Jumping CFD6 DEFB $00 Relates to: Flag_MonsterJumping.
Byte Meaning
00 Not Jumping
01 Jumping
George_IdleCountdown CFD7 DEFB $19 Relates to: Active_MonsterIdleCountdown.
George_AboutToFallCountdown CFD8 DEFB $03 Relates to: Active_MonsterAboutToFallCountdown.
George_Countdown CFD9 DEFB $19 Relates to: Active_MonsterActionCountdown.
CFDA DEFB $00 Relates to: D24C.
George_X_Position CFDB DEFB $0A Relates to: Active_MonsterXPosition.
George_Y_Position CFDC DEFB $12 Relates to: Active_MonsterYPosition.
CFDD DEFB $01 Relates to: D24F.
George_Energy CFDE DEFB $40 Relates to: Active_MonsterEnergy.
When monster frames are drawn, this is used with an OR to set a bit which changes the sprite to the appropriate character. See MonsterSpriteModifier.
George_Sprite_Offset CFDF DEFB $00 For George no bits are set: 00000000.
George_Control_Type CFE0 DEFB $04
Byte Meaning
00 Computer Controlled
01 Sinclair Interface 2 (port 2)
02 Sinclair Interface 2 (port 1)
03 Kempston Joystick
04 Keyboard (set 1)
05 Keyboard (set 2)
06 Keyboard (set 3
FF Not set
CFE3 DEFB $01,$0A,$0A
CFE6 DEFB $12,$02,$02
CFE9 DEFB $01,$05,$00
CFEC DEFB $00,$04,$0A
CFEF DEFB $0A,$12,$02
CFF2 DEFB $02,$09,$07
CFF5 DEFB $00,$00,$08
CFF8 DEFB $0A,$0A,$12
CFFB DEFB $02,$02,$07
CFFE DEFB $09,$00,$00
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