Prev: 52706 Up: Map Next: 53249
53202: Data: George
George_State 53202 DEFB 0 Relates to: JumpTable_Pointer.
Byte Meaning
5 Waiting
8 Falling
26 Grabbing
27 Eating
33 Transform Explosion
34 Turn Into Human
35 Exit Stage Right
255 Game Over
53203 DEFB 0 Relates to: 53829.
George_Climbing 53204 DEFB 0 Relates to: Flag_MonsterClimbing.
Byte Meaning
0 Not Climbing
1 Climbing
George_Direction 53205 DEFB 0 Relates to: Flag_Orientation.
Byte Meaning
0 Left-to-Right
1 Right-to-Left
George_Jumping 53206 DEFB 0 Relates to: Flag_MonsterJumping.
Byte Meaning
0 Not Jumping
1 Jumping
George_IdleCountdown 53207 DEFB 25 Relates to: Active_MonsterIdleCountdown.
George_AboutToFallCountdown 53208 DEFB 3 Relates to: Active_MonsterAboutToFallCountdown.
George_Countdown 53209 DEFB 25 Relates to: Active_MonsterActionCountdown.
53210 DEFB 0 Relates to: 53836.
George_X_Position 53211 DEFB 10 Relates to: Active_MonsterXPosition.
George_Y_Position 53212 DEFB 18 Relates to: Active_MonsterYPosition.
53213 DEFB 1 Relates to: 53839.
George_Energy 53214 DEFB 64 Relates to: Active_MonsterEnergy.
When monster frames are drawn, this is used with an OR to set a bit which changes the sprite to the appropriate character. See MonsterSpriteModifier.
George_Sprite_Offset 53215 DEFB 0 For George no bits are set: 00000000.
George_Control_Type 53216 DEFB 4
Byte Meaning
0 Computer Controlled
1 Sinclair Interface 2 (port 2)
2 Sinclair Interface 2 (port 1)
3 Kempston Joystick
4 Keyboard (set 1)
5 Keyboard (set 2)
6 Keyboard (set 3
255 Not set
53217 DEFW 53219
53219 DEFB 1,10,10
53222 DEFB 18,2,2
53225 DEFB 1,5,0
53228 DEFB 0,4,10
53231 DEFB 10,18,2
53234 DEFB 2,9,7
53237 DEFB 0,0,8
53240 DEFB 10,10,18
53243 DEFB 2,2,7
53246 DEFB 9,0,0
Prev: 52706 Up: Map Next: 53249