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57057: Initialise New Game
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
InitialiseNewGame 57057 XOR A A=0 (face right).
Set up George.
57058 LD IY,53202 IY=George_State.
57062 CALL SetMonsterStates Call SetMonsterStates.
57065 LD (IY+3),1 Write 1 (face left) to monster direction (*IY+3).
57069 LD (IY+9),21 Write 21 to monster X position (*IY+9).
Set up Lizzy.
57073 LD IY,53249 IY=Lizzy_State.
57077 CALL SetMonsterStates Call SetMonsterStates.
57080 LD (IY+9),253 Write 253 to monster X position (*IY+9).
Set up Ralph.
57084 LD IY,53296 IY=Ralph_State.
57088 CALL SetMonsterStates Call SetMonsterStates.
57091 LD (IY+9),8 Write 8 to monster X position (*IY+9).
Set starting level.
57095 LD A,1 Write 1 to *CurrentLevel.
57097 LD (57156),A
Set all monster scores to "000000".
57100 LD HL,53350 HL=Messaging_GeorgeScore.
57103 CALL ResetScore Call ResetScore.
57106 LD HL,53364 HL=Messaging_LizzyScore.
57109 CALL ResetScore Call ResetScore.
57112 LD HL,53378 HL=Messaging_RalphScore.
57115 CALL ResetScore Call ResetScore.
57118 RET Return.
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