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A6D5: Get Players Name
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
Player_Name A6D5 LD HL,$AC0C HL=Messaging_SituationVacant.
A6D8 LD DE,$4828 DE=4828 (screen buffer location).
A6DB CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
A6DE LD HL,$4848 HL=4848 (screen buffer location).
A6E1 LD B,$10 B=10.
A6E3 CALL Concealer Call Concealer.
A6E6 LD HL,$AC8F HL=Messaging_EnterName1UP.
A6E9 LD DE,$48C0 DE=48C0 (screen buffer location).
A6EC CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
A6EF LD A,$FF Write FF to 4FD7.
A6F1 LD ($4FD7),A
A6F4 LD HL,$AB8A HL=Game_Flags.
A6F7 RES 4,(HL) Reset bit 4 of *HL.
A6F9 LD HL,$ACA6 HL=Name_1UP.
A6FC CALL Controller_NameSelect Call Controller_NameSelect.
A6FF CALL PressAnyKey_0 Call PressAnyKey_0.
A702 LD HL,$ACD1 HL=Messaging_AnyMoreApplicants.
A705 LD DE,$48C0 DE=48C0 (screen buffer location).
A708 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
A70B LD A,($AB8A) A=*Game_Flags.
A70E CALL Handler_Yes_No Call Handler_Yes_No.
A711 CALL Controller_Yes_No Call Controller_Yes_No.
A714 CALL PressAnyKey_0 Call PressAnyKey_0.
A717 LD HL,$AB8A HL=Game_Flags.
A71A SET 6,(HL) Set bit 6 of *HL.
A71C BIT 5,(HL) Return if bit 5 of *HL is not set.
A71F SET 4,(HL) Set bit 4 of *HL.
A721 LD HL,$ACB0 HL=Messaging_EnterName2UP.
A724 LD DE,$48C0 DE=48C0 (screen buffer location).
A727 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
A72A LD A,$FF Write FF to 4FD7.
A72C LD ($4FD7),A
A72F LD HL,$ACC7 HL=Name_2UP.
A732 CALL Controller_NameSelect Call Controller_NameSelect.
A735 CALL PressAnyKey_0 Call PressAnyKey_0.
A738 LD HL,$AB8A HL=Game_Flags.
A73B RES 4,(HL) Reset bit 4 of *HL.
A73D SET 7,(HL) Set bit 7 of *HL.
A73F RET Return.
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