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A80C: Handler: Player Name Selection
Used by the routine at Controller_NameSelect.
Action "user has pressed "up":
Handler_NameSelect_Up A80C LD A,(HL) A=the current letter.
Special handling for "space" as it's out of sequence with the other lettering.
A80D CP $20 Jump to NameSelect_BackTo_A if A is currently 20 (ASCII "space").
A80F JR Z,NameSelect_BackTo_A
A811 CP $5A Jump to NameSelect_Space if A is currently 5A (ASCII "Z").
A813 JR Z,NameSelect_Space
We're within the upper and lower boundaries, so move "up" a letter.
A815 INC A Increment A by one.
A816 JR Handler_NameSelect_Write Jump to Handler_NameSelect_Write.
Action "user has pressed "down":
Handler_NameSelect_Down A818 LD A,(HL) A=the current letter.
Special handling for "space" as it's out of sequence with the other lettering.
A819 CP $20 Jump to NameSelect_BackTo_Z if A is currently 20 (ASCII "space").
A81B JR Z,NameSelect_BackTo_Z
A81D CP $41 Jump to NameSelect_Space if A is currently 41 (ASCII "A").
A81F JR Z,NameSelect_Space
We're within the upper and lower boundaries, so move "down" a letter.
A821 DEC A Decrease A by one.
A822 JR Handler_NameSelect_Write Jump to Handler_NameSelect_Write.
The upper boundrary has been reached, so cycle back to the letter "A".
NameSelect_BackTo_A A824 LD A,"A" A=41 (ASCII "A").
A826 JR Handler_NameSelect_Write Jump to Handler_NameSelect_Write.
NameSelect_Space A828 LD A," " A=20 (ASCII "space").
A82A JR Handler_NameSelect_Write Jump to Handler_NameSelect_Write.
The lower boundrary has been reached, so cycle back to the letter "Z".
NameSelect_BackTo_Z A82C LD A,"Z" A=5A (ASCII "Z").
Handler_NameSelect_Write A82E LD (HL),A Write A to *HL.
A82F PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
A830 LD HL,$AB8A HL=Game_Flags.
A833 CALL $A83A Call A83A.
A836 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
A837 JP Controller_NameSelect_0 Jump to Controller_NameSelect_0.
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