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35915: Action Look
Action_Look 35915 CALL 40260
35918 LD IX,(46860) IX=ptrCurObject
35922 LD A,(IX+1)
35925 CP 255
35927 JR Z,Action_Look_0
35929 LD HL,128
35932 LD (45053),HL
35935 LD HL,45052 HL="You are in[0x16]"
35938 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
35941 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
35943 LD A,(IX+1)
35946 CALL LocateObject
35949 CALL 41117
35952 LD E,(IX+8)
35955 LD A,(IX+9)
35958 AND 15
35960 LD D,A
35961 CALL PrintToken
35964 LD A,46
35966 CALL 34187
35969 CALL 34179
35972 LD HL,45059 HL="You see :[0x14]"
35975 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
35978 POP IX Restore IX off the stack.
35980 LD A,(IX+1)
35983 LD B,(IX+16)
35986 JP 40879 Jump to 40879.
Action_Look_0 35989 LD A,(IX+16)
35992 JP YouSeePreposition
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Putdown and Action_Examine.
Action_Look_1 35995 CALL 40056
35998 RET C
35999 POP HL
36000 LD HL,44529 HL="You are not carrying it[0x15]"
36003 JP PrintMsg Jump to PrintMsg.
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