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36253: Action Dir
Used by the routine at Action_Run.
Action_Dir 36253 CALL LocationLit Jump to Action_Dir_0 if LocationLit reports that it is light.
36256 JR NC,Action_Dir_0
36258 LD A,9
36260 CALL GetRandomNum
36263 INC A
36264 LD (46823),A
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionUntie.
Action_Dir_0 36267 LD IY,(46860)
36271 LD A,(IY+1)
36274 CP 255
36276 JR Z,Action_Dir_1
36278 CALL LocateObject
36281 BIT 6,(IX+7)
36285 JR Z,Action_Dir_2
36287 LD (IY+1),255
Action_Dir_1 36291 LD A,(46826)
36294 CALL 40168
36297 ADD A,(IY+2)
36300 LD (36252),A
36303 LD A,(46823)
36306 CALL 40712
36309 CP 255
36311 JR NZ,Action_Dir_3
Action_Dir_2 36313 CALL LocationLit Jump to 40822 if LocationLit reports that it is light.
36316 JP NC,40822
36319 CALL 40260 Call 40260.
36322 LD IX,49435 IX=Objects.
36326 AND A
36327 LD HL,44413 HL="but fall and hit your head[0x15]"
36330 RR (IX+5)
36334 JP NZ,PrintMsg
36337 LD HL,44426 HL="but fall and smash your skull"
36340 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
36343 JP YouAreDead Jump to YouAreDead.
Action_Dir_3 36346 LD A,(IX+2)
36349 AND A
36350 JR Z,Action_Dir_2
36352 LD (36251),A
36355 LD A,(IX+1)
36358 CALL Action_Dir_8
36361 DEC A
36362 JR Z,Action_Dir_2
36364 DEC A
36365 JR Z,Action_Dir_5
36367 DEC A
36368 JR Z,Action_Dir_6
This entry point is used by the routine at 39900.
Action_Dir_4 36370 CALL 40260 Call 40260.
36373 LD (IY+16),B Update the location.
36376 LD A,(46826) A=CurrentCharacter.
36379 CALL 39901 Call 39901.
36382 LD A,(46826) A=CurrentCharacter.
36385 CP 0 Return if the character is not 0 - "You".
36387 RET NZ
36388 LD IX,51086 Call IndexIdTable using the events table, looking for a match with ActionLocationID.
36392 LD A,(36251)
36395 CALL IndexIdTable
36398 JR Z,PercentageLocation Jump to PercentageLocation if no event was found.
36400 LD L,(IX+1) Load the event from the events table.
36403 LD H,(IX+2)
36406 CALL TriggerAction Call TriggerAction to execute it.
The game adds a one-time only value to the completion percentage once certain locations are reached (as long as it's not dark).
PercentageLocation 36409 CALL LocationLit Return if LocationLit reports that it is dark.
36412 RET C
36413 LD A,(46826) A=CurrentCharacter.
36416 AND A Set zero flag if the character is 0 - "You".
36417 LD A,(36251) A=ActionLocationID.
36420 JR NZ,PercentageLocation_Skip Jump to PercentageLocation_Skip to deal with any other object.
36422 LD HL,(36249) HL=ActionLocationData.
36425 BIT 6,(HL) If bit 6 is already (percentage is already added) set jump to YouSeeController.
36427 JP NZ,YouSeeController
36430 SET 6,(HL) Set bit 6 of the location attributes, this sets that the percentage has already been added and hence will be skipped the next time this location is accessed.
36432 PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
36433 LD IX,36206 Call IndexIdTable with PercentageLocationTable.
36437 CALL IndexIdTable
36440 JR Z,PercentageLocation_Return Jump to PercentageLocation_Return if there was no match.
36442 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
36443 LD E,(IX+1) DE=the percentage value to add from the match of PercentageLocationTable.
36446 LD D,(IX+2)
36449 LD HL,(46839) Add the percentage value to PercentageComplete and write it.
36452 ADD HL,DE
36453 LD (46839),HL
36456 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
PercentageLocation_Return 36457 POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
PercentageLocation_Skip 36458 JP YouSeePreposition Jump to YouSeePreposition.
Action_Dir_5 36461 LD HL,44579 HL="[0x04] is too small for you to enter".
36464 JR Action_Dir_7
Action_Dir_6 36466 LD IX,(36249)
36470 LD HL,44590 HL="[0x04] is too full for you to{5} enter[0x15]".
Action_Dir_7 36473 PUSH HL
36474 LD L,(IX+2)
36477 LD H,(IX+3)
36480 EX (SP),HL
36481 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
36484 RET Return.
Action_Dir_8 36485 AND A
36486 JR Z,Action_Dir_10
36488 CALL LocateObject
36491 LD A,(IX+7)
36494 AND 40
36496 JR Z,Action_Dir_14
36498 LD A,(46826)
36501 AND A
36502 JR NZ,Action_Dir_9
36504 BIT 7,(IX+4)
36508 JR NZ,Action_Dir_14
Action_Dir_9 36510 LD A,(36252)
36513 LD B,(IX+2)
36516 SUB B
36517 JR NC,Action_Dir_13
Action_Dir_10 36519 LD A,(36251)
36522 LD B,A
36523 CALL LocateLocation
36526 LD (36249),IX
36530 LD A,255
36532 CP (IX+1)
36535 JR Z,Action_Dir_11
36537 LD A,B
36538 CALL 40001
36541 LD C,A
36542 LD A,(36252)
36545 SUB C
36546 JR NC,Action_Dir_12
Action_Dir_11 36548 XOR A
36549 RET
Action_Dir_12 36550 LD A,3
36552 AND A
36553 RET
Action_Dir_13 36554 LD A,2
36556 AND A
36557 RET
Action_Dir_14 36558 LD A,1
36560 AND A
36561 RET
Action_Dir_15 36562 PUSH IX
36564 CALL LocateObject
Action_Dir_16 36567 LD A,(IX+1)
36570 CP 255
36572 JR Z,Action_Dir_17
36574 CALL LocateObject
36577 BIT 5,(IX+7)
36581 JR NZ,Action_Dir_16
36583 OR 1
Action_Dir_17 36585 POP IX
36587 RET
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionClimbOut.
Action_Dir_18 36588 LD A,(46824)
36591 CALL LocateObject
36594 CALL ActionClimbOut_4
36597 JP Z,DisplayExits_3
36600 LD A,(46826)
36603 CALL Action_Dir_15
36606 RET NZ
36607 CALL 40741
36610 CP 255
36612 JP Z,40822
36615 LD A,(IX+2)
36618 CP 0
36620 JP Z,40822
36623 CALL 40260
36626 PUSH IX
36628 CALL LocateLocation
36631 BIT 7,(IX+0)
36635 POP IX
36637 JR Z,Action_Dir_19
36639 LD IY,(46860)
36643 LD A,(IY+16)
36646 PUSH AF
36647 LD A,(IX+2)
36650 LD (IY+16),A
36653 CALL YouSeeEntry
36656 POP AF
36657 LD (IY+16),A
36660 RET
Action_Dir_19 36661 LD HL,44575 HL="it is dark"
36664 JP PrintMsg Jump to PrintMsg.
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionClimbOut.
Action_Dir_20 36667 CALL 40741
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Enter and Action_Follow.
Action_Dir_21 36670 CP 255
36672 JP Z,40822
36675 LD A,(IX+2)
36678 CP 0
36680 JP Z,40822
36683 LD A,(IX+1)
36686 PUSH IX
36688 CALL Action_Dir_8
36691 POP IX
36693 JP NZ,40822
36696 CALL 40260
36699 LD A,(IX+0)
36702 LD (46823),A
36705 LD A,255
36707 LD (46824),A
36710 JP Action_Dir_0
36713 LD IX,(46856)
36717 LD A,(46825)
36720 CP 23
36722 JR Z,Action_Dir_23
36724 CP 24
36726 JR Z,Action_Dir_24
Action_Dir_22 36728 LD IY,(46858)
36732 BIT 1,(IY+7)
36736 JP Z,40822
36739 BIT 2,(IX+7)
36743 LD A,130
36745 JP NZ,DisplayExits_3
36748 LD HL,37455
36751 JP 40778
Action_Dir_23 36754 LD A,21
36756 LD IY,50260
36760 JR Action_Dir_25
Action_Dir_24 36762 LD A,22
36764 LD IY,50281
Action_Dir_25 36768 LD (46825),A
36771 LD (46858),IY
36775 LD (IY+1),255
36779 JR Action_Dir_22
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