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63270: Print Banner
Used by the routine at RunHandlers.
Handle George.
Monster state 255 means the player is ("Game Over").
PrintBanner 63270 LD A,(53202) Jump to PrintBanner_George if *George_State is not equal to 255.
63273 CP 255
63275 JR NZ,PrintBanner_George
George is "Game Over"...
63277 LD C,34 C=34 (screen co-ordinate).
63279 CALL PrintBanner_GameOver Call PrintBanner_GameOver.
Displays "George" and George's score.
PrintBanner_George 63282 LD C,2 C=2 (screen co-ordinate).
63284 LD HL,53350 HL=Messaging_GeorgeScore.
63287 LD DE,53343 DE=Messaging_George.
63290 LD A,(53216) A=*George_Control_Type.
63293 CALL PrintBanner_Flash Call PrintBanner_Flash.
Handle Lizzy.
Monster state 255 means the player is ("Game Over").
63296 LD A,(53249) Jump to PrintBanner_Lizzy if *Lizzy_State is not equal to 255.
63299 CP 255
63301 JR NZ,PrintBanner_Lizzy
Lizzy is "Game Over"...
63303 LD C,44 C=44 (screen co-ordinate).
63305 CALL PrintBanner_GameOver Call PrintBanner_GameOver.
Displays "Lizzy" and Lizzy's score.
PrintBanner_Lizzy 63308 LD C,12 C=12 (screen co-ordinate).
63310 LD HL,53364 HL=Messaging_LizzyScore.
63313 LD DE,53357 DE=Messaging_Lizzy.
63316 LD A,(53263) A=*Lizzy_Control_Type.
63319 CALL PrintBanner_Flash Call PrintBanner_Flash.
Handle Ralph.
Monster state 255 means the player is ("Game Over").
63322 LD A,(53296) Jump to PrintBanner_Ralph if *Ralph_State is not equal to 255.
63325 CP 255
63327 JR NZ,PrintBanner_Ralph
Ralph is "Game Over"...
63329 LD C,54 C=54 (screen co-ordinate).
63331 CALL PrintBanner_GameOver Call PrintBanner_GameOver.
Displays "Ralph" and Ralph's score.
PrintBanner_Ralph 63334 LD C,22 C=22 (screen co-ordinate).
63336 LD HL,53378 HL=Messaging_RalphScore.
63339 LD DE,53371 DE=Messaging_Ralph.
63342 LD A,(53310) A=*Ralph_Control_Type.
63345 CALL PrintBanner_Flash Call PrintBanner_Flash.
63348 RET Return.
Instead of the monsters score, display "Game Over".
PrintBanner_GameOver 63349 LD HL,53647 HL=Messaging_GameOver.
63352 LD B,0 B=0 (screen co-ordinate).
63354 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63357 RET Return.
Not actually a "flash" but the display alternates between the players score and their name.
PrintBanner_Flash 63358 LD B,0 B=0 (screen co-ordinate).
63360 AND A Jump to PrintBanner_Print if A is not zero.
63361 JR NZ,PrintBanner_Print
DE holds the monsters name and HL contains their score.
63363 EX DE,HL Switch the DE and HL registers.
PrintBanner_Print 63364 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63367 RET Return.
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