Address Length Description
6500 768
Building Buffer?
TODO: Seems to be larger than this single block. Maybe also 6200 as well, will test.
6800 768
Game Buffer?
6B00 6912
Shadow Buffer
C1A1 1375
Table: Sprite Information
C850 30
User Defined Keys
Note although there are 3 "sets" - it doesn't always follow that the monster IDs correlate with the set IDs.
For instance; if George and Lizzy are computer controlled and Ralph uses the keyboard - he will use set 1. The sets are assigned sequentially to being assigned to a player.
CFD2 47
Data: George
D001 47
Data: Lizzy
D030 47
Data: Ralph
D210 1
Human Generator Limiter
Defaults to 80 (see DEC9) is used for limiting the generation of humans. Humans are only generated when a generated random number between 00-FF is below the number set here.
D211 1
Maximum Number Humans (TODO)
D212 1
Maximum Number Helicopters
D216 1
Level Finished Countdown
After all the buildings have collapsed, the game doesn't instantly end the level. This countdown is reduced and the level ends only when it reaches zero.
D217 1
Game status buffer entry at D217
D218 2
Game status buffer entry at D218
D21A 4
Game Clock
Counts up while the game plays, used as a random number generator (as it's never reset).
D21E 2
Game status buffer entry at D21E
D220 2
Game status buffer entry at D220
D222 2
Game status buffer entry at D222
D224 2
Game status buffer entry at D224
D226 1
Game status buffer entry at D226
D227 6
D22D 6
D233 6
D23E 3
Game status buffer entry at D23E
D241 3
Game status buffer entry at D241
D244 1
Jump Table Pointer
D245 1
Game status buffer entry at D245
D246 1
Active Monster Climbing Flag
Relates to:
Byte Meaning
00 No
01 Yes
D247 1
Active Monster Orientation Flag
Relates to:
Byte Facing
00 Left-to-right
01 Right-to-left
D248 1
Active Monster Jumping Flag
Relates to:
Byte Meaning
00 No
01 Yes
D249 1
Active Monster Idle Countdown
D24A 1
Active Monster About-To-Fall Countdown
Used by the routine at Action_Falling.
D24B 1
Active Monster Action Countdown
D24C 1
Game status buffer entry at D24C
D24D 2
Active Monster Co-ordinates
D24F 1
Game status buffer entry at D24F
D250 1
Active Monster Energy
Seem to be unused. Relates to:
D251 1
Active Monster Sprite Modifier
When monster frames are drawn, this is used with an OR to set a bit which changes the sprite to the appropriate character. See DrawMonsterSprite.
Byte Bit Monster
00 00000000 George
40 01000000 Lizzy
80 10000000 Ralph
D252 1
Active Monster Control Type
D253 2
Game status buffer entry at D253
D255 64
Table: Humans
D295 18
Table: Helicopters
D2A7 24
Table: Helicopter Something
D2BF 78
Table: Bullets
D30D 18
Table: Projectiles
D39F 84
Table: Buildings
D3F3 1
Number Of Buildings Remaining
Number of buildings remaining standing on the current level.
D3F4 1
Human Count (TODO)
D3F5 1
Active Helicopter Count
D3F6 1
On-Screen Helicopter Count
D3F8 1
Bullet Count
D3FA 1
Projectile Count
D3FD 1
Game State
Byte Meaning
00 In-Play
01 Game Over
D3FE 1
Scene Carpet
Is it carpet? Awning? Unsure...
Byte Meaning
00 No carpet
01 Carpet
D3FF 1
Game status buffer entry at D3FF
D400 1
Scene Type
D401 4
Table: Vehicle
D405 3
Table: Train
DF44 1
Game: Current Level
DF45 1
Temporary Monster ID
FB4E 10
User Defined Keys Buffer
Used by the routines at ChangeControls and UserDefinedKeys.
FB58 2
User Defined Keys Pointer
FB5A 1
Keyboard Control Count
Data: Ticker